Beth, Rani and Kaite playing with the cutest Karenis kiddos.

This is everyone living in Karenis. Starting at the top row on the left, Annahit (Rani's host sister), Rani, Katie, Brian, VIncent, Mariam (Kaite's host sister) Beth, Meri (language teacher), Anna (language teacher). In the Front row, Don, Janet and me.

Some fellow trainees on a walk back from a monastery in Arzakan.

Trainee and a few volunteers outside the monastery in Arzakan, you can see Arzakan in the background.

One of the many carvings on the walls of the monastery, and a ghostly Janet walking by in the background.

All of Kaernis minus Katie while walking home one day from Charentsavan. The fields were full of bachelor buttons, poppies and vetch. Quite an array of colors!

Beth, Kyle and Stephen all learning how to dance like Armenians. Lifting our arms and dancing in a hot room wasn't the best idea. Some people hadn't showered in a while and it was ungodly hot that day.

The school in Karenis and our school's cow whom we named Schnorgie, short for Shnorhagaloutsoon, which means thank you.

Rani, Janet Brian and I on our first adventure down to the river in Karenis.