These photos were taken on Easter Day, April 4th. I've been a little lazy these days about editing my photos, so sorry they are a little late.

This is the service in Noravank. There were women and children standing to the sides of the priests singing. I'm always taken with the way singing sounds in churches here.

This is one of the two churches at Noravank. The graves on the floor are of previous priests, they are meant to be walked on to show their humbleness.

This little girl did not want to stand and listen to the service. Her mom was so embarrassed at the way she was acting. I knelt down next to her and we started talking.

The light in the churches here is perfect.

Henni, our friend Karine and me.

Again, the ladies all gussied up for the holiday.

This is Karine's nephew, Gorik. Him and his brother, Davo, are in one of the photos from our photo exhibition with their grandmother, Tamara. I came to their house to eat an Easter meal. Their food is always so delicious!

I was helping keep Gorik entertained while the women were preparing the food.

How can you resist such a face!

The table was beautifully decorated with dyed eggs, wheat grass and greens. We had fresh "banjar" vegetables picked from the mountains, home made wine, beet salad, and my new favorite thing ever, "chamichov pilaf" which is rice with dried fruits baked in a lavash crust.