Yar she blows. The south summit of Mt. Aragats, 4095 meters. The wide angle does her no justice.

Our little jeep track to the top was lined with wonderful purple and yellow flowers.

And alpine forget-me-nots!

Janet gets a little refreshment from the water that was 10 minutes ago an icefield just up the path.

Beautiful mountain stream!

So, I was totally unprepared for this climb. I had been away from site for a week and had only brought my chacos with me, and decided to do the hike anyway.

My good friend Nico.

Me and the ladies, enjoying the view.

And the sun finally came out to greet us!

Aragats is a large, wide and tall, extinct volcano. From every angle there are huge valleys running down the flanks of the mountain.

The rock lined path we followed along the way was at times hard to find, but lead us up a very mystical and beautiful path!

Chacos in the snow...

There were several boulder fields to cross. You could hear water running under the rocks and little rodents similar to Pika were daring out from under the rocks.

Almost to the top!!

And the clouds cleared just as we got to the summit.

There was a huge rock face right at the summit.

Here we are!

Chacos at the top!

Don't get too close!

Damn, were tough!