9 PCVs set out from the steps of Joe's apartment to the steppes of Syunik marz to conquer Mt. Khustup, a 3210 meter (10,531 ft) beast.

We got our backpacks, or in Paul's case duffel bag, packed and were out the door by 7 a.m.

Nico and the mountain.

In just a few hours we had already made great progress from the valley floor, but this was just the beginning.

We stopped at a shepard's domik about halfway up the mountain. They made us fresh tan and entertained us.

Susa and her husband have been married and living the shepard lifestyle for 10 years. She is originally from Yerevan, but says she loves living the way she does.

The motley crew.

Our destination is just behind that hill.

Me and Sveta.

Sveta lives in a shack at the base of Khustup with her grandson, their cows and a very intimidating Rott/Lab mix guard dog. She spoke such thick barbar that it was really hard to understand her. I am sure she is full of wonderful stories!

Almost to our little domik!

We found a nice little shepards cabin to stay the night in.

And we enjoyed an incredible view and quite a display of nature's beautiful weather patterns.

There was a wonderful cabin just down the hill from ours. It has some amenities that PCVs don't even have. Running water with a sink, a flush toilet and a gas water heater. Too bad the door was locked, I can see some great Goldilocks and the 9 PCVs stories in the works...

Khustup in all her glory.

We made it all the way up from the valley waaaay down there!

The 9 of us and our humble abode.
1 comment:
Dear Ones:
Climb every mountain,
climb every hill,
Walk on colorful
rainbow bridges,
Till you reach
your Elysian fields.
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