This, by the way, is the cutest little boy alive. The first encounter we had with this young lad was during a team building event we had in Karenis. He was riding his tricycle up and down the hill, yelling at us and even throwing rocks! After some regulating by some volunteers who could actually SPEAK Armenian, he relented. Every day after this incident the young chap would scream "BAREV DZEZ" (or hello) at us as we walked by his house.

Beth and some cute little girls.

Everyone in Karenis minus myself. Thats the way it goes!

Beth was pretty amusing with these guys.

Maybe the cutest kids ever created live in Karenis? What do you think?

I finally caught her, she really did not want to have her photo taken.

Katie, Rani and Beth playing ring-around-the-rosie with some kiddos.

This little boy was tormenting me all evening asking for my flag. I eventually gave in,a nd told hime he could have it as long as I could have his picture.

This was our attempt at teaching the kids how to play kickball. Well, it really didn't turn out so well, so we eventually played their version of dodgeball, called gorts-a-gorts. In this version one team stands in the middle and the other splits in two and forms a wall on either side and throws the ball at their opponents. If you’re hit by the ball you are out, but if you catch the ball you can bring back a teammate. After every one of us was quickly eliminated from the middle (it was Americans versus Armenians or 8 versus 40), it was our turn to throw the ball.

Making teams.

One of my language teachers, Mary. These teachers are amazing!

Sugar-hungry children begging for chocolate.

Beth trying to run away from sticky-handed children who couldn't get enough sugar. Beth kept yelling "mi rope, mi rope" (one minute, one minute) but to no avail. The only resort was to surrender and retreat.

Marshmallow roasting is a foreign concept here, they just wanted to burn stuff.

Our attempt at having the children make s'mores.

Again, sugar-crazed children.

Some of the prizes from our pinata.

The pinata was ripped open after no one succesfully cracked it open.

Some villagers trying their hand at our impenetrable pinata.

This young girl in the green shirt is apparently a gorts-a-gorts world champion. No matter where she was, seemed to be right where the ball was and she caught it with amazing agility. We didn’t stand a chance. After about 15 minutes our bodies and ego couldn’t take the beating so we surrendered.

The flags were quite popular with the children.

Here's my favorite little Karenis kiddo.

The kids were curiously very skilled at pin the tail on the esh (donkey)

Maybe because they practiced beforehand??

This is a fellow trainee, Brent, who is the most amazing limboer I have EVER met. He beat out even the smallest children!

Janet trying her hand at the limbo, she fell in the next frame. I felt like being nice and not posting that one.

Some of our fare for the evening. Homemade macaroni and cheese, potato salad, pasta salad, hamburgers, and a lovely mushroom and zuchinni tapenade.

Brian and Murazik.

The outrageous 8 kilos of meat we bought for hamburgers. They were maybe the largest burgers I have ever seen.

Some of the decorations that Janets mother sent us for the party.

Patriotic pies!

So, its nearly impossible to find any sort of pie pans in Armenia. I spent ALL day the day before our party baking because I could only find 3 small torte tins to use, and the large pie pan was donated by Liz my tech trainer.
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