This was after my last dinner with my host family.

My host sister, Emma, me, Janet, my host sister Anna, and Janet's host sister Rema.

Me, my host mom, Janet's host mom, Janet, Janet's host sister, and my host sister.

Me and my host momma.

Me, my family and my two LCFs.

Me and my host family at swearing in.

The EE group.

Karenis people and our two tech trainers, Piruza and Liz.

A lady selling sweet bread just outside of Geghart.

Its pretty!

Inside the church, Geghart. This churh is carved out of the mountain. This is my favorite church I've seen so far.

Janet holding a little carving of Armenia. She later dropped it and it shattered on the floor. The vendor said something to the effect of "damn tourists"

Some volunteers on the steps of Garni, the only Pagan temple in Armenia. It is a monument to the sun, and was used as a summer house.

Janet and Brian near the canyon at Garni.

A Khatchkar at Garni.

The Garni temple.

Me and my host momma.
Oh, to be back in Armenia again... Can't wait to go back with my half-Armenian daughter, Ani, and show her her (literal) fatherland! :)
Thanks for the trip(s) down memory lane!!!
Colleen A10
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